• Digital Forensic
    • Digital Forensic

The EDAS FOX is hands down the absolute best value for the processing power in the forensic market. The EDAS FOX was designed to bring the most powerful forensic platform to all professional forensic investigators. The system is designed to be user friendly so that anyone can learn the system with a minimal amount of training. You can choose to change the forensic package and use your own or switch to one of the other fine offerings available. The EDAS FOX systems also come with a demo license of our Data Analysis Reporting Tool kit (DART), so you are ready to analyze cell phone case evidence faster and easier without spending hours and hours hand sorting the critical information.

Forensic Computer Workstations, Software, and Hardware that get the job done.


Meet Our Family of Computers

The EDAS FOX systems have been designed with the investigator in mind. The EDAS FOX systems meet or exceed all the requirements of today’s changing computer forensic environment without the exorbitant cost. EDAS FOX is designed to provide a complete digital media exploitation system. EDAS FOX systems come with all the hardware that is needed to perform digital forensic investigations, you will not need to buy more products to make the system work as you do with other systems.

Forensic Computers

Processing Computers

Ryzen Threadripper Pro

Servers and Storage

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