• Digital Forensic
    • Digital Forensic

BitMindz was founded in 2018 in an effort to provide government entities and corporate clients with high-quality forensic computers and hardware. Our products are created with cutting edge technology delivering the fastest, most reliable systems in the marketplace. We pride ourselves in offering standard and customized systems at affordable prices to better serve our heroes of the law enforcement community, as well as private entities. Customer satisfaction guaranteed. Today’s Forensic Computer Community, Law Enforcement, Government, and the Corporate Sector are facing numerous challenges with so many advances in Technology. The Speed and Efficiency at which examiners can handle large data sets and volumes directly translate into the power of their Forensic Workstation or as we call it, a Processing Engine. 

Processing Engines & Forensic Workstations

We proudly feature custom Data Processing Engines and Forensic Workstations, designed by the Industry’s Leading Designer. Each Processing Engine is crafted to meet the needs of the examiner to increase productivity, workflow, and provide quick reliable results. These systems are geared to run with maximum efficiency and excruciatingly fast speeds to parse through terabytes of data. Nothing compares to the speed of a well-tuned Data Processing Engine.  Our benchmark scores and testing, prove how fast you can increase your overall workflow. We’ll Prove It.  Numbers don’t Lie!!!

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